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Harvard disponibiliza mais de 110 cursos gratuitos online

Os cursos gratuitos são uma ótima oportunidade para dar um 'up grade' no currículo; alguns possuem legenda em português.

Harvard disponibiliza mais de 110 cursos gratuitos online

Fundada em 1636, a Universidade de Harvard, em Cambridge, no estado de Massachusetts, (EUA), é a instituição de ensino superior é mais antiga dos Estados Unidos. Por suas salas de aula já passaram mais de 360 mil alunos, entre eles os ex-presidente norte-americanos John Kennedy, George W. Bush e Barack Obama.

Além dois prestigiados cursos de graduação, Harvard oferece uma série de cursos gratuitos e online que podem ser feitos em qualquer lugar do mudo, inclusive do Brasil.

Os cursos gratuitos oferecidos pela Universidade de Harvard são divididos em 11 áreas –Artes e Design; Negócios e Gestão; Ciência da Computação; Ciência de Dados; Ciência e Engenharia; Ciências Sociais; Desenvolvimento Educacional e Organizacional; Humanidades; Matemática e Análise de Dados; Medicina e Saúde Pública e Programação.

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Apesar da maioria das capacitações ser em inglês, algumas delas possuem legendas em português. Facilitando, assim, o aprendizado.

Como se inscrever nos cursos gratuitos de Harvard

Os cursos estão disponíveis na plataforma HarvardX. Os interessados podem acessar o site e conferir a lista com mais de 100 capacitações que podem ser realizados gratuitamente. No entanto, em algumas delas, o estudante terá que pagar uma taxa para receber o certificado de conclusão.

A maioria dos cursos é no formato “self-paced”, ou seja, eles podem ser realizados no ritmo da preferência do estudante. Contudo, alguns têm datas específicas de início e término, e exigem um acompanhamento do aluno em determinadas horas e dias.

Para se inscrever nos cursos online gratuitos da Universidade da Harvard, é necessário fazer o cadastro na plataforma HarvardX ou entrar com sua conta do Facebook, Google ou Hotmail, escolher a capacitação desejada e preenche os dados solicitados para ter acesso às aulas.

É só aproveitar a oportunidade para dar um ‘up grade’ no currículo.

Os cursos gratuitos da Universidade de Harvard

Artes e Design

  • CS50’s Introduction to Game Development

  • Shakespeare’s Othello: The Moor

  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet: The Ghost

  • Shakespeare’s Life and Work

  • Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice: Shylock

  • 18th-Century Opera: Handel & Mozart

  • 19th-Century Opera: Meyerbeer, Wagner, & Verdi

  • Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology

  • Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring: Modernism, Ballet, and Riots

  • First Nights: Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique and Program Music in the 19th Century

  • Beethoven’s 9th Symphony and the 19th Century Orchestra

  • Handel’s Messiah and Baroque Oratorio

  • Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo and the Birth of Opera

  • The Architectural Imagination

Negócios e Gestão

  • Negotiating Salary

  • 4P Model for Strategic Leadership Podcasts

  • The Science of Corresponding with Busy People Webinar

  • Designing Organizational Structure

  • Pricing Strategy

  • Identifying Competitive Risk

  • Understanding Customer Needs

  • Investing in Private Equity

  • Global News & Technology Leadership in Challenging Times

  • Practical Improvement Science in Health Care: A Roadmap for Getting Results

  • Webinar: Strategic Fundraising for Nonprofit Leaders

  • Exercising Leadership: Foundational Principles

  • Leaders of Learning

  • Innovating in Health Care

  • Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies

  • Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health

  • Contract Law: From Trust to Promise to Contract

  • Contract Law: From Trust to Promise to Contract

Ciência da Computação

  • CS50’s Introduction to Game Development

  • CS50: Introduction to Computer Science

  • CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Scratch

  • Quantitative Methods for Biology

  • Data Science: Machine Learning

Ciência de Dados

  • Causal Diagrams: Draw Your Assumptions Before Your Conclusions

  • Case Studies in Functional Genomics

  • Advanced Bioconductor

  • Introduction to Bioconductor

  • High-Dimensional Data Analysis

  • Statistical Inference and Modeling for High-throughput Experiments

  • Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra

  • Statistics and R

  • Quantitative Methods for Biology

  • Principles, Statistical and Computational Tools for Reproducible Data Science

  • Data Science: R Basics

  • Data Science: Visualization

  • Data Science: Probability

  • Data Science: Inference and Modeling

  • Data Science: Productivity Tools

  • Data Science: Machine Learning

  • Data Science: Capstone

  • Data Science: R Basics

  • Data Science: Visualization

Ciência e Engenharia

  • Cell Biology: Mitochondria

  • Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 2: Neurons and Networks

  • Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics

  • Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 1: The Electrical Properties of the Neuron

  • Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 3: The Brain

  • Backyard Meteorology: The Science of Weather

  • Human Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Cases

  • Case Studies in Functional Genomics

  • Advanced Bioconductor

  • Introduction to Bioconductor

  • High-Dimensional Data Analysis

  • Statistical Inference and Modeling for High-throughput Experiments

  • Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra

  • Statistics and R

  • The Einstein Revolution

  • The Einstein Revolution

  • MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe

  • Quantitative Methods for Biology

  • Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health

  • MicroBachelors® Program in University Chemistry

  • Energy and Thermodynamics

  • Entropy and Equilibria

  • Electrochemistry

  • Energy to Electrochemistry Final Exam

  • Principles of Biochemistry

  • Super-Earths and Life

Ciências Sociais

  • PredictionX: Omens, Oracles & Prophecies

  • Systematic Approaches to Policy Design

  • New Ideas for Nonprofit Leaders Webinar

  • 4P Model for Strategic Leadership Podcasts

  • The Science of Corresponding with Busy People Webinar

  • Global News & Technology Leadership in Challenging Times

  • Our Information Emergency: Navigating the Media Environment in 2021

  • Crisis Management: Adaptive Recovery, Resiliency, and Moving Forward Webinar

  • Global Feminism in the 21st Century Webinar

  • Webinar: Supply Chain Management: Failures and Success in a COVID-19 World

  • Webinar: Managing COVID-19 in the Americas, Africa, and the Middle East

  • Webinar: Harnessing Power for Positive Impact

  • Webinar: Strategic Fundraising for Nonprofit Leaders

  • United States Health Policy

  • Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics

  • The Path to Happiness: What Chinese Philosophy Teaches Us about the Good Life

  • American Government: Constitutional Foundations

  • U.S. Political Institutions: Congress, Presidency, Courts, and Bureaucracy

  • Citizen Politics in America: Public Opinion, Elections, Interest Groups, and the Media

  • U.S. Public Policy: Social, Economic, and Foreign Policies

  • Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology

  • CitiesX: The Past, Present and Future of Urban Life

  • Contract Law: From Trust to Promise to Contract

  • Early Childhood Development: Global Strategies for Interventions

  • We the People: Civic Engagement in a Constitutional Democracy

  • Contract Law: From Trust to Promise to Contract

Desenvolvimento Educacional e Organizacional

  • Introduction to Data Wise: A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching

  • Leaders of Learning

  • Introduction to Family Engagement in Education

  • Early Childhood Development: Global Strategies for Interventions


  • PredictionX: Lost Without Longitude

  • PredictionX: John Snow and the Cholera Epidemic of 1854

  • PredictionX: Omens, Oracles & Prophecies

  • Women Making History: Ten Objects, Many Stories

  • Modern Masterpieces of World Literature

  • Ancient Masterpieces of World Literature

  • Masterpieces of World Literature

  • Shakespeare’s Othello: The Moor

  • Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice: Shylock

  • Shakespeare’s Life and Work

  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet: The Ghost

  • 18th-Century Opera: Handel & Mozart

  • 19th-Century Opera: Meyerbeer, Wagner, & Verdi

  • Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics

  • Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking

  • The Path to Happiness: What Chinese Philosophy Teaches Us about the Good Life

  • American Government: Constitutional Foundations

  • Citizen Politics in America: Public Opinion, Elections, Interest Groups, and the Media

  • The Einstein Revolution

  • The Einstein Revolution 2

  • Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology

  • Christianity Through Its Scriptures

  • Handel’s Messiah and Baroque Oratorio

  • Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo and the Birth of Opera

  • Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring: Modernism, Ballet, and Riots

  • First Nights: Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique and Program Music in the 19th Century

  • Beethoven’s 9th Symphony and the 19th Century Orchestra

  • CitiesX: The Past, Present and Future of Urban Life

  • ChinaX Book Club: Five Authors, Five Books, Five Views of China

  • Global Health Case Studies from a Biosocial Perspective

  • We the People: Civic Engagement in a Constitutional Democracy

Matemática e Análise de Dados

  • Causal Diagrams: Draw Your Assumptions Before Your Conclusions

  • High-Dimensional Data Analysis

  • Statistical Inference and Modeling for High-throughput Experiments

  • Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra

  • Introduction to Probability (on edX)

  • Statistics and R

  • Case Studies in Functional Genomics

  • Advanced Bioconductor

  • Introduction to Bioconductor

  • Calculus Applied!

  • Principles, Statistical and Computational Tools for Reproducible Data Science

  • Fat Chance: Probability from the Ground Up

  • Data Science: Probability

  • Data Science: Inference and Modeling

  • Data Science: Capstone

  • Data Science: Inference and Modeling

  • Data Science: Capstone

Medicina e Saúde Pública

  • PredictionX: John Snow and the Cholera Epidemic of 1854

  • Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs

  • Practical Improvement Science in Health Care: A Roadmap for Getting Results

  • Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 1: The Electrical Properties of the Neuron

  • Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 3: The Brain

  • Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster

  • Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics

  • United States Health Policy

  • Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part 2: Neurons and Networks

  • The Path to Happiness: What Chinese Philosophy Teaches Us about the Good Life

  • Human Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Cases

  • The Opioid Crisis in America

  • MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe

  • Innovating in Health Care

  • Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies

  • Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health

  • Global Health Case Studies from a Biosocial Perspective

  • Principles of Biochemistry

  • Early Childhood Development: Global Strategies for Interventions

  • Community-Engaged Research


  • CS50’s Introduction to Game Development

  • CS50: Introduction to Computer Science

  • CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Scratch

  • Quantitative Methods for Biology

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